Soon you will be able to share proposals, job pictures (before and after), scheduled appointments and marketing letters in your on-line Customer Center. Now you can provide fast pre and post bid changes on the fly. You no longer need to visit, mail, email or fax the bid document. You can simply give them their online proposal password and review your proposal with them online.

Customers say that they have added confidence when they are involved with the project. The customer will see your company as the expert and will look at online access as your effort to involve them personally.

Now you can add change orders and invoice directly from RooferPro using your invoice forms, or if you prefer through QuickBooks. The Customer Center will provide quick access to shared information. Quick access means no calls asking for back up paperwork because they lost it. Now you can provide fast pre and post bid changes on the fly. You no longer need to visit, mail, email or fax the bid document unless you want to.