Track your customers like never before. Don’t let anyone fall through cracks, while keeping accountability in your roofing company at the highest level.

Contact management allows you to:

  • Track complete customer information: re-roof prospect details, notes and history, appointments, to-do items, documents, and new re-roof opportunities.
  • Populate pre-defined fields including name, company, phone, address, web site, e-mail, and automatically insert predefined customer numbers for QuickBooks.
  • Access virtually unlimited date and time stamped notes as well as history of your company’s re-roof prospects and customers. View a list of notes and see the entire contents of a note.
  • Attach roofing company rep/salesman to each re-roof prospect. Track each sales decision as the prospect is converted from prospect to customer.
  • Quickly identify the last communication with a re-roof prospect from the contact tab.
  • Access pre-defined templates to save time building e-mails and letters. Easily customize the HTML graphical templates to e-mail customers.
  • Access company-wide account data, including re-roof prospect information, customers, and  the role that each contact plays in your roofing business relationship.
  • Provides a web page on your site where your customers can submit requests for service.